Tarot Card of the Week: 8 of Cups

Sometimes it is better to walk away than to hold onto a situation that is no longer working. Maybe you are feeling sadness over an ending in your life. Perhaps you have lost interest but it is difficult to walk away. The Eight of Cups represents intuitive, watery, sensitive Pisces energy. The appearance of this card reminds us that even though letting go is difficult and might seem painful at the moment, the sadness is just a drop of water in the sea of life. Focus on new possibilities and new experiences. When we let go of a situation, we allow space for something new to enter our lives.


“When something or someone is no longer bringing you up, but pulling you down—it’s time to let go. When something or someone is no longer adding to your life, but subtracting from it—it’s time to let go.” ~ Mandy Hale


Where in your life do you need to let go?

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