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Email Tarot Readings
One Question Reading: This reading is perfect for that quick question, whether it is relating to money love or career.

Three Question Reading: Three Questions are answered in this reading. Tarot cards, Angel Oracle cards & other Divination tools are used in this reading to provide an in-depth answer.
$65 (Approximately 700 Words)

Email Readings are Delivered within 24-48 Hrs. after Payment is Received.
Please email your questions to

The inforÂmaÂtion and advice given on and through the readÂings you receive from DiosaReadÂings is not a guarÂanÂtee of what the future will bring. Any preÂdicÂtion or other mesÂsage that you receive is not a subÂstiÂtute for proÂfesÂsional advice, self-help or assisÂtance proÂgrams, or any other proÂfesÂsional treatÂment that you would norÂmally receive from a licensed proÂfesÂsional such as a lawyer, docÂtor, psyÂchiÂaÂtrist, accounÂtant or finanÂcial advisor.
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