Tips to prepare for a reading
Below are some things to know before contacting me for a reading:
I do not do any readings pertaining to health: this includes pregnancy readings.
Sometimes I see time frames in my readings and other times Spirit is silent with regards to time frames. I recommend keeping a journal of your readings to assist in remembering what comes up in each reading.
I have been fortunate to hit most of my time frames; however, I do miss on occasion. Communication time frames can be tricky. I have a tendency to pick up passing each other on the street as communication. Sometimes I might give a time frame of three days and it ends up being three hours, other times I may see something in two days, and it is two weeks. In some cases, I will see something happening this Saturday, and it is the following Saturday. This is a minor glitch I'm still fine-tuning.
On a few rare occasions, a prediction has shown up during a certain time frame such as October/November and the prediction came in a year later during the same time frame. I only look ahead one year, but sometimes I accidentally pull in things that are happening in two years.
Please call from a phone with adequate reception.
I cannot stress enough how distracting it is when I hear constant noise in the background. Phones clicking, beeping, ringing, and loud noises such as babies crying, high pressure water running, blenders, garbage disposals, toilets flushing, traffic on the streets, crinkling of bags, outside conversation or wind blowing break the flow of the reading. These sounds make it next to impossible for me to tap into your question. I'm clairaudient so I am highly sensitive to noise and I will ask that you call from another phone. It is also distracting when the caller is carrying on a conversation with someone else at the same time they are getting a reading from me. Please, please, please, understand that when I am channeling and communicating with Spirit, I need silence.
Sometimes I will tap into the long term outcome, but have difficulty seeing the glitches that happen along the journey. Other times I will see all the road blocks along the way but have difficulty seeing the outcome. This has more to do with what your angels and guides want to convey at the time of the reading. We have free will and my readings are only a guideline to shed light on your current path. We cannot control the path of those around us, but we have the power to control our own reactions and choices. Many times I hear the question, “Will he ever change?” My answer is always the same, when our behavior and attitude changes; it forces change around us and we have to take responsibility for the situations we allow into our lives.
Please do not call if you are upset or angry. It is important to be in a calm frame of mind and open to hearing the information that comes up in the reading.
Please do not call to play testing games. I take my readings very serious, and I do not want to waste your time or mine.
Please ask specific questions when seeking specific answers. In a general reading, I can provide specifics about issues you are dealing with in your heart, possibly having to do with your own “stuff” and I could go in many different directions that you might not be interested in discussing. I pick up on so many things, but if it is something specific you want, I need direct questions. I do not ask a lot of questions when doing a reading, but I will ask if what I am saying makes sense. Sometimes the information I pass along makes absolutely no sense to me, so I want to make sure it, at least, makes sense to you.
It is my goal to provide a healing, insightful reading that will help navigate your way down the challenging road of life.
Peace & Happiness,
Diosa Readings
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